Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I know I've complained about this before, so I hope you readers out there don't get the wrong idea about what I'm saying. I love my daughter, my husband, my life. I'm grateful for the option to stay home.
That said, these past two weeks have been difficult for me. I've been feeling cut off from a lot of the adult world, and understimulated. I guess I can sometimes feel trapped by motherhood. I've been looking for very part-time jobs that would get me back in the workplace, just a few hours a day. None of them seem to be working out, which is probably God's way of telling me it's not time for me to leave home yet. While I've been praying for His guidance in making this choice, it's sometimes hard to take when He says no.
I know I'm doing what's right...I just didn't know how much I would miss work! Do any other mothers struggle with this?


  1. Sweet Riah Kate- I just discovered your blog thru Reena's blog and just had to let you know that I think you are wonderfully awesome! You are not alone as there are many young mothers that struggle just like you do. You know I have come to discover that if you are home you miss work and if you are working you feel guilty and miss all those wonderful moments you would be having staying at home, it always tugs at you no matter what. I guess what I am trying to say is that the grass is always greener on the other side. There are blessings to be had by finding contentment and happiness along the way in life and there are blessings to be had by stretching and growing. You will know what is right and best but don't think that there won't be struggles even when you are doing what is right. Life is about learning and growing and sometimes the lessons learned are right where we are now. Thanks for being so good to my Cody right now. love you tons!

    Aunt Nana

  2. Well obviously I'm not a mother and although I want to stay home with my kids, I have no idea how it will be. I imagine that MANY mothers feel the same way you do. I have a mother who worked throughout my whole life, it didn't bother me one bit and does it mean she loved me and my sister any less than mothers who stay home, NO!!! I definitely think you have to do what is right for you and find a balance in your life. You can't let anyone else get to you because each person knows what is right for them. Also, maybe these jobs aren't working out because the right one hasn't come along yet.

  3. I think when you become a mom, we all struggle one time or another over something.
    I really wish I had some good advice for you, but I don't, just keep praying, and if the answer is no, then pray for help at home, and just try to make each day productive and fun, for both of you, not just Lucy. Try to find a new hobby that you can enjoy, and make sure that your husband helps, and try at least once a week just to have YOU time.
    I think Nicole is right too, nothing is wrong if you want to go back to work, my mother also worked, but at the same time I would consider her a stay at home mom, she just learned to balance work and family very well. If work is something you really want to do then somehow it will all work out.
    I apolagize for my rambling on and on and it makes no sense. But good luck with your decision, either way its a good one.

  4. Staying home full-time is hard. I have had times when I feel like I am not accomplishing anything, but that is so far from the truth! I agree with the comment that was made above; if you can find a way to work and be home a lot, then you should do it! I loved it when we lived in Rexburg because I could work as a manager and take Deagan along with me. Since we moved here, I have started babysitting for families in the area. It is important that you find things that you love to do and to make them a priority in your life. I was talking with a friend about this same topic yesterday, and she said that having a good group of friends around her was what helped her as a full-time stay at home. I also like what someone said above, try to do things that both you and Lucy like to do. Having a good routine helps a lot as well because you know what to expect and you have a plan for each day. You are not a bad mom because you want to work. You are a great mom!! Good luck at this time!! Sorry for rambling by the way. I just write and I think it :)

  5. Long time since I have commented I know... I just got your text and I wanted to see what else you guys were up too. On this subject, I don't know what it is like to stay home all day with a baby. I do know what it is like to be lacking variety though - I work 55-60 hours a week! We got a little booklet of community education classes that are being offered in the evenings this fall. Twice a week Sept - Nov for only 50-150 bucks. I was going to look into some of them. Maybe you might try that for some extra stimulation.

  6. It is not always easy, but it is worth it. When I stayed home with Brenden during that first year and only stayed home I went through one of the worst cases of depression I have ever dealt with. I would ask Heavenly Father for help and guidance. Also I would talk to Tom so you can have support from him.
