Saturday, January 2, 2010

Baby Update

The official paperwork reads: Threatened Abortion. Doesn't necessarily mean I will miscarry, it just means there is bleeding they can't find the source of, and that is a threatening symptom. They put me on 48 hour bed rest (any of you who have a toddler, know this is impossible) and want me to see my OB on Monday. Everything on the Ultrasound looks good, but they couldn't tell if my cervix was open or not. We're hoping for not, of course.
Baby's heartbeat, movement and size are all good. It's about a month too early to "officially tell", but the Ultrasound tech said it looks like a boy. Tom and I both have thought that from day 1, so it probably is, so if all goes well, we'll have one of each :0) I've stopped bleeding, and the cramping is getting better.


  1. I was so sad to read your previous post, waiting in the hospital is the worst. It sounds like you are doing better, you are home and resting. Let me know if you need anything, I would love to take Lucy for a little bit if you need to rest or go to the doctor. Hope all is ok. Good luck!

  2. that is soooo wonderful to know!! your still in my prayers love!

  3. Riah please get as much rest as you can and let others reap the blessings of helping you at this time. Please do keep us updated for sure. I am glad that things are doing better. Know that you will continue to be in our prayers. Love you lots!

  4. miriah, my word. i just read both of your posts for the first time! i can't believe it! what a relief that everything is good! i'm sure that was a nightmare, but your someone that pulls through like a champion! if you need anything, give me a call

  5. So sad to hear about this. I hope that everything works out and really, if you need anything give me a call. I could help with Lucy after 3 if you need some rest.

  6. I am glad you are doing better. Good Luck!

  7. Hang in there sweetie! I will be thinking of you and praying for your little family, I wish we were closer, so we could help. I know it is hard to rest with everyhting on your plate and a little one, but do the best you can. Take Care!
