Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Not lovin' the new doc

My OBGYN with Lucy was fantastic. Dr. Craig never said one word about my weight, except that it was normal, and not to think about it. Except at the very end when my blood pressure shot up, she noticed faster weight gain, and decided to induce me. Anyway, she never made me feel bad about it, and I lost it all pretty fast after Lucy was born.
My NEW doctor, however, is one of those who believes women really don't need to gain weight when they're pregnant. At my 21 week apt I'd gained 11 lbs, and she said we should "watch my weight". Ok, that is significantly less than I'd gained with Lucy, plus I'd recently lost 25 lbs right before I got pregnant. I was eating only about 1300 calories a day, and running 3-5 miles every day. OF COURSE I GAINED WEIGHT WHEN I COULDN'T DO THAT ANYMORE!!!
Grrr. I don't like being told I'm fat.


  1. First and foremost, You are NOT (may I repeat that NOT) fat by any means and you should be gaining weight for heaven sakes, you have a baby growing in there, duh!!!! You are fine and not overly gaining so don't worry or think about it at all. As long as you and the little one are healthy you are fine. Love you tons!!

  2. If I used more choice language I would tell you exactly where to tell that Doc to go. But since I don't I won't tell you to do that.

    It is healthy to gain around 25 lbs. You are not fat your baby needs you to gain that weight. You will loose it and will look fabulous like you always do. You are amazing.

  3. I know it's cheesy because Amanda said so, but remember that pregnancy is beautifu. (Just as Tom.) We hope that everything continues to go fine.

  4. THanks for the invite. Cute blog, love seeing pics of your cute little family.

    But this one blog strikes a nerve! Doctors preaching to women about weight went out of vogue in the 80's! So much more important that you are healthy and 11 pounds is completely healthy at this point. I truly hope you are not listening or internalizing any of this.

    Keep growing CUTE! Love ya!
