Monday, April 26, 2010

Egg whites and mustard

No, I don't eat them together. But I used to HATE both of these foods with a passion! But because they are both very good for you (well, I don't know if Mustard has any nutritional value, but it's a calorie-free dressing) I've kind of forced myself to eat them. Gradually, I've developed a taste for them! It's always nice when low-cal foods don't make you want to stab yourself in the eye every time you eat them.
I'm pretty picky about how I'll eat eggwhites, because eggs in general make me sick. But here's the secret; scramble them up with veggies (I love mushrooms, tomatoes, and spinach), add a handful of low fat mozzerella cheese, and lots of pepper and oregeno. I top it off with salsa. Yum yum! Give it a try :)


  1. You had me worried for a minute there I thought you had some weird pregnant craving that sounded totally disgusting with mustard and egg whites together.! Hope all is well in your little world. Love to all!

  2. We are planning on living with my fam for a bit and we are going to look for jobs when we get down there.
