Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hawaiian party, Blue Ribbon Breakfast, and sleepy babies

Things just never seem to slow down around here, but that's how we like it! We had our big Blue Ribbon Breakfast, which is our one big fundraiser for the year. We do a few smaller ones, but this is the "mother" fundraiser. It went well; I'll be in charge of planning it for next year, and there are a few things I would like to do differently. But overall, I would call it a success. We awarded Mayor Peter Caroon with the Champion of Child Abuse Prevention Award.
In other news, Tom's parents had a Hawaiian party with dancers and everything for their neighborhood! It was so fun, and reminded me of our honeymoon in Maui :0)
The sleepy babies part of the title refers to Lucy falling asleep in the car on the way home from running erronds all morning. She got a sucker at the bank, and was so tired she fell asleep with the sucker in her mouth. It was cute.
Executive Director Bonnie Peters and Mayor Caroon
Diane Spencer (former Development Director aka the woman I'm replacing) and me...she is an incredible woman!!

Papa and Lucy at the party

Taylor, Tom's youngest brother, and his girlfriend Yessenia


The boys chillin'

Lucy loves holding Ethan. She calls herself "good big sister"

Tuckered out

1 comment:

  1. The Breakfast and Party look fun and looks like all were enjoying themselves. Little tuckered out Lucy girl is so adorable, she must have been really tired to not be able to finish her sucker. Love you tons, thanks for taking care of my Toaders.
