Monday, December 14, 2009

Tears, tears, and more tears

Yes, I know pregnant women cry a lot...but it's more than that. Working at the Family Support Center is particularly emotional this time of year because I am so aware of so many needs that are going unmet. There are very generous people out there who are "adopting" our needy families for Christmas and buying the kids a gift or two, which is so, so wonderful. No matter how many we provide for, though, the ones I think of are the ones still left. I know there is no way we can help everyone who needs it, but gosh, it's one thing to know that, and another thing entirely to have to look a weeping mother in the eyes and say, "No, we don't have any help for your kids." I cry almost every day, now.

So if any of you out there feel like you can or would like to adopt a needy family this Christmas, please let me know. I've got lists of them, from one kid, to six kids, and everything in between. And always remember to be grateful for what we have!

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful for the blessings that I have and am also grateful for your extreme compassion. I will give you a call and make a plan of some sort to do something even from way up here in Wyoming. Love to all!
