Monday, May 2, 2011

My thoughts on Bin Laden's Death

I am getting really frustrated with comments like, "how can we celebrate someone's death? What is this world coming to?" To avoid political heat, I am blogging my response because only people who like me, for the most part, read my blog. So I'll assume this is safe territory.

We aren't celebrating the death of a man, we are celebrating the death of a key, leading role in worldwide terrorism. We are celebrating what we hope will be a large stride in reducing the power of merciliess extremists, who for decades, if not centuries, have slaughtered innocent people in unspeakable ways to gain power and money, with the end goal of overtaking the world...literally. Their mission, was to crush all Western society, and be the rulers of it. Bin Laden has been quoted as saying, he will no stop killing until every single Christian church has been burned to the ground. Sounds awfully familiar....Hitler, anyone? Were they not after the same thing? The complete eradication of a people, race, or religion? Or all three? Was Hitler's death something to be mourned?

How about all you self-righteous, oh-so-tolerant and enlightened "liberal thinkers" march your ass over Afghanistan or Iraq and ask the people how they feel about his death? Do you think they are sad? Worse off? Do you think they're not sleeping just a little bit easier tonight, knowing that Bin Laden won't be cutting off their daughter's noses that night? Because that's what he did. He mutilated his people, beat them into submission, tortured family memebers for NO REASON other than to instill fear. I have friends in Sadi Arabia praising Allah that he is dead. So don't you, for one second, tell me I can't praise God he's dead.

You know nothing, NOTHING, of the horrors this man was responsible for. So yes, I am happy he's dead. And yes, the death of his leadership, and what he represented, should be celebrated. If you disagree, then sit there and don't celebrate. But don't try to stop my rejoice that the world is short one more mass-murdering, genocidal, truly evil bastard. And don't be so impressed with yourself. Chances are you've never looked into the eyes of a woman whose nose was carved out, leaving a gaping cavity in her face, in order to scare her father into submission. My Dad, has. My brother in law, has. Bin Laden will not be missed.


  1. HAHAHA MIRIAH!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your post!! It was perfect! :) You crack me up. I couldn't had said it better then what you have writen here. You go girl!

  2. Amen sista!! sing it at the tops of mountains!!

  3. 'xcuse me, but why are you not posting this on a more public forum? Tell 'em... tell 'em all!!!! To hell with politically correct niceties, and to hell with other people's feelings or opinions! You are right, and there's no need to hide that! :)
