Monday, September 14, 2009

My big goal

So, I've heard that if you tell people you have a goal, you are more likely to reach it. My goal is to lose 2 pounds this week. This probably sounds laughable to some of you lucky ducks out there who can lose two pounds without even thinking about it. I am not one of those people. Since January I've lost about 35 pounds, and since having Lucy I've lost 60. I am 20 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant with Lucy, so I've been making some serious ground. However, my goal weight is still two tiny pounds away. It seems so close, and yet so far!
SO, I talked with my good friend Melissa, who happens to be a personal trainer in training, and she gave me a few ideas to "trick" my metabolism. Today I made myself choke down egg whites. I absolutely HATE eggs in all their varieties, so that shows you how serious I am about doing this. I am hoping that I can make it. I'll let you all know at the end of the week how I did. Wish me luck!!


  1. You can and will reach this goal, I am certain of it Riah Kate. You can do anything you put your mind to. I am so impressed and happy for you at the goals you have reached already. I am rooting for you all the way this week. Love, Aunt Nana

  2. Wow you are super woman! Good luck this week, and I am sure that you can do it! Hearing all these people losing weight makes me feel so fat! Ah, the joys of being pregnant. You will have to let me know your secrets after I have this baby to lose weight. You are my inspiration!

  3. Seriously?! Your already freaking skin and bones woman!! if you loose anymore weight your going to die! I'm being serious by the way im joking mariah.. I saw you at the bday party and Im worried about you.. You dont need to loose anymore weight.. your skinner then you were when you got married..
