Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Furniture!

Tom and I are in the process of buying our first house! It takes about a month for all the inspections, paperwork, and financing to completely hash out, so we'll be in our apartment for a little while longer. But at this point it's a fairly sure thing. With labor day sales going on, we decided this weekend would be a good time to start looking at some things for the house. Namely, furniture (the stuff we had was really old and mismatched) and appliances. We found a KILLER deal on some microfiber furniture that I just had to have! So, we got it :0) It's the nicest furniture we've owned together as a married couple! I never knew I would get so excited about a sofa set, but I am. I also found this really adorable mirror that I fell in love with.
It's hard to see, but the frame is made of braided/curly bamboo in different colors
Chair and a half


The set

We were trying to take a family picture, but we could not get Lucy to look at the camera even once! We sure tried, though...

Random picture of Lucy and Mom


  1. Absolutley love the new couch set. I can't wait for the day to buy new furniture, we are just a few 8 years behind you guys, but one day. Also congrats on the new house, that is super exciting but sad to see you guys leave. What fun that is going to be, moving, painting, decorating and all new things for the house. Good luck!

  2. Yay, you got the house! Congratulations!!!! we will miss you in the ward but I'm so excited for you and your little family.
