Sunday, May 9, 2010

Almost 33 weeks

Well, I'm almost 33 weeks along. Lucy was born at 36, so at this point two years ago, I was very close to delivery. I'm pretty sure this one will stay in the oven a little longer, though. I'm much healthier this pregnancy than I was my first. Of course, at this point I don't really sleep, I can't breath, I have to pee every time I sneeze, and I'm praying for time to fly. I also am very anxious to be able to see my toes again.
But, overall, the pregnancy has gone fairly well, minus a few scares at the beginning. I'm dreading labor, but ready to get it over and be able to bend again. This was taken about a week ago, but I haven't gained any weight since then, so the bump is about the same size.


  1. You look great! It is so crazy to think that this baby could be here so soon! Can't wait to see pictures of your little guy:)

  2. You look AMAZING and I swear you are by far the cutest pregnant women I have ever seen!

  3. You look FANTASTIC!!!!! We are all anxious too to see this little guy. Time will go by and before you know it you will be holding him in your arms & he will be kicking the outside of your little belly instead of the inside! love to all, aunt Nana
