Monday, May 10, 2010

Get Involved

Hey everyone, for work I'm trying to put together some nice cookbooks for the families we serve. Please send me your favorite recepies! I need a good combination of main dishes, side dishes, snacks, desserts, salads, etc. Keep in mind:
Most of the families live well-below the poverty line, so simple, cheap ingredients
We want to emphasize health
Most of the families have very little education, so very simple instructions and words are best

If you keep a blog of recepies already, if you can just give me permission to use the material off of that blog, I'll copy them myself. You'll get credit in the text of the book we put together for your recepies.

Thanks everyone! This is a very easy way to get involved in a good cause. Hope to hear from you all soon!


  1. I believe I sent you three receipes. May come through as sent from Maxine. I'm never positive what I'm doing in this "blog" world.
    Love you Gma.

  2. I will be sending via e-mail some recipes to you soon. It is so fun to have your mom and Chey here with us. I am enjoying having Chey stay with us for a couple of days and getting to chat with her. Take care and love to all (give little Lucy a squeeze from her [OH I hate the sound of this cause it sounds SOOOOO OLD!] Great- Aunt Nana ugh! that was hard.) Love, Aunt Nana
