Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sharing Burdens

I've been told that burdens are lighter when you share them, so I thought I'd give it a try. Right now Tom and I are waiting on the hospital to be have a few more test and ultrasounds done. This morning I started hemoraging and we don't know why. We called our OB, and since it's Saturday, she recommended we come into the ER. The good news is, the baby is still alive. The bad news, we don't know for sure that he or she will stay that way.
There is a very high probability that it's a tear in my placenta which caused placental hemoraging, and it will heal itself and everything will be fine. I'm just a worrier. And there is something about waiting in an ER for hours that just makes a person nervous. I'll keep you updated...


  1. Oh I hope everything is ok. Definately keep us posted. You are in our prayers.

  2. oh my gosh!! I hope everything is ok! your in my prayers girl! Love ya!

  3. Riah you and Tom are in our prayers and thoughts. I usually don't check my e-mail or check blogs on the weekend but just happened to today. Love you tons, please, keep us updated. Love and hugs. Hey
    Cody is home so call her if you need her.
