Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bye Bye, Easter Eggs, and other such updates.

So, my computer is being dumb and won't let me upload any images to my blog right now; I've been trying for an hour. So, I guess I will just post the events, and the pictures will come later.

My parents came for a quick visit to say good-bye before my dad leaves. He's decided to do a civilian intelligence contract in Afghanistan to help locate Al-Queda leaders. He'll be gone a year; we'll all miss him very much. Lucy helped make a giant banner that said "Good Luck Grandpa" (I would show you a picture but...) and had a blast doing it. We also dyed Easter eggs while they were here.

The pregnancy is rolling right along. Can't wait to be able to bend over again and move normally. I'm almost 28 weeks, so just less than three months to go! I'm excited to not be pregnant anymore, but terrified of having the baby. I'm worried about finding new child care for them both when I go back to work. Lucy's current babysitter will most likely be moving in August, which is about when I'll be returning to work. I've come to really trust and love Lucy's sitter, and know that she is loved and taken care of so well there. I have no idea what I'll do when Becky's gone. I cry when I think about it too much.

Tom is doing well at work, and is on the verge of a promotion; so send good thoughts our way, everyone! We're in the process of buying a rental unit (Tom's idea; I'm not so big on investment properties). He's really excited about it. I'm pretending it's not happening.

My sister's husband just got on with the Wheatland Police Department, and they'll be moving there and buying their first home next month :)

My other sister is engaged, she just doesn't use that terminology yet. But they're pretty much engaged.

My Mom is moving back to the Big Horn Basin to be closer to family while my dad is gone.

I'm really excited about Easter this year because Lucy is old enough to do some festive activities with!

I'm recently obsessed with moccassins, and will buy a pair as soon as I can justify the expense. The one's I like are never the affordable ones (sigh).

Wish I had some cute pictures on this post; I'll get them up as soon as I can!


  1. YAY, an update! Sounds like you have had a busy couple of weeks. Glad you got to see your dad before he leaves- and how great for him to be able to do that! Have a great Easter!

  2. Good luck to your dad!!!
    I can't believe that you are almost 30 weeks, it feels like we just found out you were pregnant. Good luck with the last little bit of your pregnancy.
    Just out of curiousity, why do you love moccasins and want them? I think they are awesome!
    And lastly just a respones to your comment about my labor, it seemed a lot easier and shorter with the 2nd child, and I would highly suggest staying home as long as possible and work through those contractions. So we figured labor with Macey was all day so almost half of what Parkers was, so maybe your labor with this little boy will be half of what Lucys was.
    Oh goodness i'm just rambling on and not making any sense. Talk to you later.

  3. Whoa! Sounds like tons going on for you and your family. Your Dad is one BRAVE man, and your Mom too for that matter! Tell him to blast those b@st@rd$ so we can get this over with!I think mocasins would be such a cozy way to go, especially as your feet start to swell! Take care girlie!

  4. Riah, thanks for the update and the wonderfully way you express your ideas. I just love reading your posts cause I can just hear you saying those exact words. I was so glad to get to see you, Tom, and Lucy when we were down... SOOOO...grateful you got a wee little bit of time with your mom and dad before he leaves. I have such extreme mixed feelings, worried for your dad's sake and super deluxe excited to have your mom as my neighbor. Love to all!
