Friday, September 11, 2009

Lucy's Birthday!

Lucy's birthday party went really well! We had a fairly large turnout of supportive family and friends that came to celebrate with us. Thank you all again! I don't know if Lucy really understood why she was getting so much attention and so many new toys, but she sure enjoyed it! I can't believe she is already one. She has changed everything in my life. She has made me grow as a person and a woman, and taught me what pure love is. She has brought so much happiness, and helped me learn to put others before myself. She is everything good I want to be! I love you Lucy! Lucy in the tub
opening gifts

I was trying to get her to look at the camera; tom took a picture of us taking a picture

The lovely Melissa Elder

The areobics ladies! They are all incredible.

Lucy's cake after she got a hold of it :)

cake on the face. Classic.

Singing to Lucy

Daddy being silly

Grandpa and Aunt Net

Kendall came all the way from Logan to celebrate with us, and Anj came all the way from Vernal!

Areobics ladies again. I really like them!

Lucy playing in her new ball pit!


  1. Yay! Yay! Yay!

    The pictures are adorable, and it looked like everyone (but most importantly, Lucy) was having a BLAST!!!

    The cake on the face is absolutely adorable, and it appears as though she enjoys the ball pit as much as Wyatt did!!! Such a hit! (BTW- the pit isn't anywhere near as big as it could be!You did good!)

    Give Lucy a giant hug and kiss from us (Wyatt, too!). We'll have to come for a visit soon!

  2. Happy Birthday Lucy!
    They grow up too fast.
    Thanks for inviting us to the great party, I wish we could have stayed longer, but the time goes by too fast. When we got home Parker asked where is Lucy she needs to eat more cake, I don't know what that was all about but I guess he thinks she needs to eat lots of cake for her birthday.
    Great party, great day, great food, great company, and great birthday girl.
    Have a fantastic weekend and see ya Sunday!

  3. one year old and wiser too-

    that birthday was the party of the century:). loved the cake, loved the company and loved little lucy! thanks so much for inviting us, promise i had a blast!!

  4. What a little cutie your Lucy is, it is hard to believe that she is one already. You are such a good mom and I loved all the wonderful birthday pictures!
