Friday, September 25, 2009

25 Random Things

I've seen this post on a few of my friends blogs, and found it highly entertaining. Hopefully some of you will feel the same way. If so, feel free to post your own 25 random things about yourself; I'd love to read them!

1. I didn't think Tom was cute for the first couple months we dated; I think he's crazy handsome now, though!
2. The first thing Lucy wants to do every morning is play with the light switch
3. I'm afraid of the dark
4. I would much rather be cold than hot
5. I secretly wish there was such a thing as magic
6. I love Celtic music
7. I still like to play on swings
8. Tom is much stronger than me, but I have better abs (ha, ha)
9. I have a higher GPA, but Tom is smarter (hate to admit that one)
10. I'm terrible at parking
11. I'm good at darts
12. Tom thinks his face is fat, and tells me so at least twice a week
13. Lucy won't eat meat
14. I'm afraid of spiders
15. Tom and I wrestle every night. After over three years, he doesn't let me win anymore :0(
16. Tom is 1 ft and 4 inches taller than me
17. The weight difference between Tom and I is greather than the weight difference between Lucy and I!
18. Tom seldom laughs or smiles, but he has a great sense of humor
19. Tom has to take a drink right before we walk out the door, no matter how soon his last drink was. Literally, he'll take a drink, tie his shoe, then have to take another drink before he walks out the door.
20. I love long, hot showers
21. I have to make myself eat veggies. I don't like them at all.
22. The average phone conversation with my sister is over an hour, and for at least half of that we aren't even talking; we're just on the phone doing dishes together.
23. I miss my sisters
24. I've never met a woman who didn't have at least one feature I thought was beautiful
25. Chili's is our favorite restraunt


  1. Invest in a camel pack for Tom! That way you won't have to wait for him to get his drink... he can drink while he's walking out the door! And try a few other restraunts... I'm quite certain you'll find SOMETHING better than Chili's! YUCK!!! :)

    Love you!

  2. Fun fun... I know so much more about you now! Oh and congrats on your manuscript - I put this comment on this post cause I didn't want you to miss it.

  3. You are such a cutie! Fun facts. I'm so glad I can keep up with your little family now!
