Monday, June 15, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

Every morning when Lucy wakes up, she calls for "Mama". I go in to her room and am met with the biggest grin that melts my heart. After changing her, I bring her out to the living room, where she immediatly asks for "Dada", who his usually adjusting his tie or tying his shoes to run out the door to work. But he always stops to take a minute to hold her.
While I love this routine, I don't usually think much of it. But lately I've been really struggling with my decision to stay home with Lucy while she's young. I've been praying for confirmation that I'm actually doing the right thing. This morning, I realized what exactally I'd be giving up if I went to work right now. I'm certainly not criticizing any of the working mothers out there, I just know that for me and my family, staying home is the right choice, even if that means giving up the extra income.
I snapped a picture of this morning's "Dada" time, and posted a few more pictures to show how Lucy is growing! I have some current and some from when she was only a few weeks old. "Dada" taking time to hold Lucy
Lucy in the park

Getting in to the DVD's

Lucy and "Dada" when she was a few weeks old

Baby Lucy, about three weeks old


  1. She is getting so big!! Staying home is awesome, do it as long as you can. You will not regret it.

  2. This is just so precious. I love that you are able to be a stay at home mom. Enjoy every minute. They chnge so fast and I am sad that I have missed some of the great moments.
