Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So the London Market is a quaint little shop only a few blocks away that carries all things English. The family that owns and runs it is from England (I love the cute little polite accents they have!) and everything they sell is, naturally, from the motherland.
I've always been very curious about this shop, but it closes at five, and Tom is never home in time for us to go. So yesterday, I finally decided that I would take Lucy and we'd go. When I went to put her in her stroller, however, there was a visitor in her stroller....a snail!
Now those of you who know me, know that I hate all things that creep and crawl. So naturally, I freaked out. It was the biggest snail I'd ever seen! It was so disgusting! I'm such a baby about it that I couldn't bring myself to touch it in order to get it off, nor could I bring myself to knock it off with a stick or something, because I don't want to hurt the thing, I just don't want it on my stroller!
So, I ended up carrying Lucy the whole way. She's getting quite heavy at nine months, so by the end of the trip, I was cursing that snail!
The London Market, however, was every bit as charming as I'd hoped it would be. I bought these McVitie's, which are apparently popular over there. There are just a whole wheat cracker, with a thin layer of milk chocolate on top. I wouldn't have put those two together on my own, but they are delicious! I don't know why they say Digestive on them; I'm assuming because they're whole wheat.

Creepy little fella!


  1. Oh my I would do the same thing if I was you and I saw a snail!!! I really have a hard time with small crawly things! That is so fun that there is that little store by you! I bet that was really fun to go to!!

  2. Oh my gosh that thing is huge!!!

  3. I am so glad that you have a blog. This is such a great way to keep up with people. I don't like creepy things either.
