Thursday, June 11, 2009

They grew on me

So, after Tom got the one snail off my stroller, we found another the next day! Two huge snails living on my porch. For some reason I cannot possibly understand, I kind of started to get attatched to them. I'd look for them when I went outside. I'd watch them poke their little heads out and look around. Then today on my way home from doing laundry (I have to go to a laundrymat, so it's an all-afternoon thing) I found a snail crushed in our parking lot! I was so sad! It's shell was in several pieces and it's gooey little body was limp :0(
When I got to my porch, however, I discovered it wasn't one of my two residential snails. So, the humanitarian in me decided to save these creatures that I'd once been terrified of. It took about 30 minutes to get the nerve to touch the shell of one, but I finally did, and found it to be far less disgusting than I'd imagined. I got both of them safely in a container with damp papertowels lining the bottom and leafs of lettuce (this was the habitat that Google recommended). It was actually really cute to watch them eat the lettuce with their perky little antenna! If you've never seen a snail eat, they like, hug the leaf of lettuce while they're eating it. Very cute.
My sister-in-law is a fifth grade teacher, and said that giant snails would make the perfect classroom pet. So tonight I'm going to give them to her and hopefully they'll live happily ever after!
Just goes to show...first impressions aren't always correct.

1 comment:

  1. That is the cutest little story!!! I am glad that they are going to have a good home now!
