Monday, October 26, 2009

Some bad news

So we just found out that there was some technicality on the inspection report on our house that will more likely than not result in us not getting it. I am so upset! I expected to be moving THIS WEEKEND. It's all very distressing. What was the technicality? Well, the place where the dishwasher goes has a wire hanging out of the wall because (hello!) a dishwasher used to be there. Because of this one, little wire, the inspection report read "exposed electrical wire", to which the underwriter responded by coding it as a fire hazard. We are not allowed to change anything before closing; we can't even cut that wire, or hook it up to our dishwasher that we will be moving in there. It's so frustrating! I thought people were trying to SELL homes in this housing crisis. Anyway, so we will find out for sure in the next couple of days, but it's looking more and more like we'll be sticking around in our apartment a little longer. We're hoping the company we're managing the apartments for is flexible with us, because we already told them we were moving and they started looking for other managers. Great.
Sorry to follow our good news with some bad. As you can imagine, I have whiplash from going up to emotional highs and then crashing to emotional lows. If any of you want to send chocolate my couldn't hurt. Actually, on second thought, then I'd gain weight and be upset about that. Eat some chocolate in my honor.


  1. This makes me so sad for you guys!! What a joke! Stupid underwriters...I really hope for your sake that they will realize they are dumb and let you close anyway. I can't imagine what a roller coaster ride you are on!!!

  2. That is so upsetting and definitely not what you wanted to hear at this point of the process. I feel for you and will keep you in my prayers that all will work out however it is best for you. Love you tons!!
