Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Update on the house

We got the official denial on our property, with the condition that if we got a second opinion, that is, if we can find an electrician who is willing to say everything is to code "as is" (without us taping or covering that stupid wire) then they will push everything through. So we went on the hunt for an electrician who is willing to "stretch" a bit to help us out. I have a great-uncle who is coming to look at it tomorrow. He's really straight arrow though, so I have my doubts about him being willing to give us what we need to close.

We looked at going with a different company that does HUD homes all the time, and finds loopholes around these kinds of issues, but it would be several thousand more upfront, plus a higher interest rate, and we just don't think we can afford it. So if Uncle Gary can't help us out, we will be withdrawing our offer and just have to wait for another house. We've learned a lot though, and when the dissapointment wears off, we'll be just fine :0)

To make this post more interesting, I chose five random pictures from my file. I literally just clicked numbers. Have no idea what they are. Enjoy.


  1. Sorry about the house news, I have a hard time understanding why the sellers don't fix the wire so they can sell it to you!! Crazy :) Anyway, I LOVED the random picture idea, I especially love #1 and #2, so sweet.

  2. Riah I just want you to know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers these last few days. My experience has taught me that our Heavenly Father knows us and things will happen when and if they are supposed to for our best interests. I am sorry for the disappointment you are feeling, experiencing and dealing with right now. I too loved the random pictures, thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for the prayers Nana, I sure appreciate them!
