Thursday, October 29, 2009


Growing up, my cousin Cody lived in a different part of Wyoming than me when we were young, then we lived in the same area for a few years, and by the time she was in high school, my family moved to Cheyenne. While we saw eachother regularly at family functions and around the holidays, we didn't get a chance to spend much time together as adults. She recently moved to Salt Lake, though, and we've been spending a lot of time together.
This girl is a Godsend. When Lucy was super sick last week and puking all over my shirt and carpet, there was Cody, running around behind me, cleaning up. When I needed someone to watch Lucy while I went to the doctor's, there was Cody, bright and early in the morning, knocking at my door. She decided to come early because she knows I run in the mornings, and thought it would be nice for me to be able to run without the stroller. When I was stressed and exhausted from a long day, there was Cody, with a gallon of ice cream and carmel butterscotch topping.
Cody serves selflessly, and without being asked. I'm literally crying while I write this. She is patient with Lucy, and genuinely loves being around her. She never expects elaborate thanks, returned favors, or pay. She simply loves to be around family and help in any way she can. She is a wonderful example of love, and I am thankful for the short time I get her here.
I love you Cody! (She's not a blog-follower, so she probably won't even read this. But her mom will :0) People say we look like sisters :0)


  1. What a sweet sweet thing for you to post Riah. You made me cry. Thank you for being so good my Cody and loving her too. I am so glad you two have some time together to get to know each other and enjoy each others company. She is a sweetheart and I am so lucky to be her mother and your aunt. Hugs and kisses all around.

  2. You ARE so lucky to have her near! Cody loves her family and does anything for them, we sure love her too! She's probably feels a little lost without a ton of rugrats to chase, thanks for taking care of her!
