Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Super sad :0(

Today a girl I had classes with in college went on a facebook rampage against the church, using foul language in conjunction with Elder Dallan H Oaks and another general authority, I forget who. It was about gay rights, and she, who is a baptized member, proceeded to blame the LDS Church for all injustices concievable.
I am a firm believer that everyone is entitled to their opinion. But why is it that those who leave the church, can't just leave the church? They have to fight actively against it! It's infuriating because most Christian churches have the same stance on homosexuality, but none of them are criticized as highly as we are for it. When I pointed this out, I was attacked (there is no other word for it) by several people, telling me I'm a victim of brainwashing and a prisoner of biggotry, and other such nonsense. They even compared the LDS church to the KKK!
If I were a Muslim standing up for my beliefs, these "tolerant" people would be singing my praises. But because I'm a Mormon standing up for the church, I am "ignorant," "intolerant", "brainwashed", and basically unintelligent.
I am so sad by the whole thing. I love the Church, and a few mean-spirited people who think they are promoting tolerance by trying to bully the church into changing its morals will NEVER have the power to take that from me.
A very sad day indeed.


  1. It is also sad to me. I have a cousin who is doing the same thing! What people need to realize is that it isn't the church beliefs itself but people in the church that can ruin it for someone. It is that way with every religion!!!! And I always say to people, so what if it isn't true, it won't hurt me in the end. (I do believe it is true though) Just thought I would comment. You could get me going on this for days!

  2. Riah, you were able to succinctly state many important truths in this post and I want to thank you for being rational and clear about your beliefs and feelings. It is sad but also very much prophesied that these types of things will happen in the last days directed to the church. Doesn't make it easy to tolerate or deal with but it does make clear that we will be under attack and that it will not be easy. Keep strong in your convictions and know you will be blessed in the end.

  3. That is so sad but we are all so glad that you are willing to stand up for what you believe. It is an example to those aroud you!

  4. That is so sad! I know what you mean about people who leave the church can't leave it alone. There is someone that I know out here who left the church just recently, and it seems that they make it a point to make negative remarks about the church in front of members. I am sorry that you were attacked for what you believe. But way to stand up for what you believe in. I guess that is all we can do anymore.
